Sunday, January 31, 2010

DTS @ FMA Talk

Join the lively discussion of Dekiti Tirsia Siradas at FMA Talk.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kat Alano ARNIS ESSENTIALS (with Robin Padilla)

Kat Alano learns arnis.
Fit & Fab, March 25, 2009

Please listen to Robin Padilla at 2:32, "Wag mong layuan ang kalaban mo, Dikiting mo ng Dikitin."

Monday, January 25, 2010

My Kerambit

Let me share with you a photo of the kerambit GM Jerson Tortal Jr. gave me complete with scabbard. She is a real beauty!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Filipino Martials Arts in Hollywood

Rarely does Hollywood recognized Filipino Martial Arts in movie fight scenes. This is one of theme. This documentary show how two Filipino martial artists, Jeff Imada and Dan Inosanto help Denzel Washington's stunts in the movie "Book of Eli"

Click here to watch the video

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Psalms 144:1

Praise the LORD, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle.
New Living Translation (©2007)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

DVD at Dynamic Fighting

Grandmaster Jerson E. Tortal Jr. has made Sifu David Seiwert an authorized distributor of  Dekiti-Tirsia-Siradas tape B DVD's in the USA. For more information on how to purchase the DVD, kindly click:

Friday, January 15, 2010

Arnis is now the National Sport

Arnis, a traditional Filipino martial art that uses rattan sticks as weapon, is now the country's national sport.
President Arroyo has signed Republic Act 9850 declaring arnis as national martial art and sport of the country, Press Secretary Cerge Remonde announced Friday.
Remonde, an enthusiast of arnis, said he was happy with the signing of the law that made his childhood sport the national sport.
Read the complete article at Manila Bulletin

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sheilah Mae Tortal de la Cruz Recalls

Sheilah Mae Tortal de la Cruz is the youngest daughter, Supreme Grandmaster Nene Tortal Sr. and Dominga Tortal. She is also married to Darell T. de la Cruz and mother of Travis Justin T. de la Cruz. As a former beauty queen you may not recognized her as a martial artist. In this narrative, she recalls a frightening experience that in her life that required her to use her Dekiti Tirsia Siradas skill in real life.
Read more at the FMAPulse Site .....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

History and Development of Dekiti Tirsia Siradas

Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Martial Art System is an authentic and unadulterated Filipino martial arts indigenous from the island of Negros in the Visayan Region of the Philippines This fighting art is old school with modern application. It is very combative with emphasis on stick and bladed weapons as well as empty hand techniques and even firearms. It has been proven effective many times in actual combat particularly during World War II.
At present, it is used by many law enforcement and military agencies such as NYPD, (JUSMAG) Joint United States Military Assistance Group of the U.S. Embassy in Manila and Philippine Army Counter Intelligence. Guro Jared Wihongi said "Having been exposed to many Filipino Martial Arts I was impressed by the simple effectiveness of Dekiti- Tirsia-Siradas. I'm not just a textbook Martial Artist either. I use the stuff daily at work as a Police Officer and used it even more when I was a Nightclub Bouncer."

Friday, January 8, 2010

GM Jerson Tortal Jr. in FMA Pulse.

Grandmaster Jerson Tortal Jr is the featured instructor for FMA Pulse. The feature include a very good write up and video interview by Romeo Maguigad Jr