Friday, March 26, 2010

Summer Kali Arnis Training

Guro Nowe "Loloy" Cecillano is conducting  Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Training every Saturday and Sunday. 8am-10am at Hammer Gym Rosario Pasig Near Jollibee and 7-Eleven.

Everybody is invited. If you want to know more  contact Loloy at:

Friday, March 19, 2010

Training @ UPLB

Once a week GM Jerson Tortal Jr. and I go around the University of the Philippines Los Baños campus to train. I would like to share some  videos of our training. Hope you like it.

More to come........

Monday, March 8, 2010

Gorgeous Ladies of DTS

Although men dominate DTS (which is around 90%), there is a significant number of women and they are really beautiful. So here they are.. The Gorgeous Ladies of Dekiti Tirsia Siradas.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kerambit 101

Recently I uploaded a short video of Grandmaster Jerson Tortal demonstrating the  kerambit to  the Dynamic Fighting group. John Fischer was his partner for the demo.