Thursday, June 30, 2011

New DTS DVD is out!

Dekiti Tirsia Siradas DVD is now out. Grandmaster Jerson Tortal Jr. teaches their legendary family art in this exclusive DVD. This was filmed in Los Baños and produced by Imagin Art. In the Philippines, can email me at for your order. For our international friends,  you can place your order here. Available in English and French.

Friday, January 7, 2011

DTS Grandmaster featured in TV Patrol

Grandmaster Jerson "Nene" Tortal was featured in the  Philippine local tv news. The report was broadcast in Illongo, the native dialect of GM Tortal.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year Special: Hot Filipina Fire Dancers

In celebration of the New Year, we kick off 2011 with a video of awesome Filipina Fire Dancers. I got this footage when I attend the New Year Party of TRACE College
Although not strictly FMA, these ladies show some awesome sinawali like skills.with their fire manipulation skill. And they are just as awesome to watch...enjoy.. Click here to watch the video.